Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The cold and passionless art of Alexandra Grant

 @iambordeleau wrote a great post in Lipstick Alley regarding the documentary on Alexandra Grant by the Artist Profile Archive. It’s on a thread called “Is Keanu Reeves’ Girlfriend, Alexandra Grant a Con Artist.” And the answer to that question is YES.

Last month, The Artist Profile Released a video 'documentary' on Alexandra Grant. Except, it's not really a documentary. It's more of a promo-clip for her 'Born to Love' solo show at Lowell Ryan Projects back in June 2019.

In fact, that's when the footage was filmed - June 2019. They have been sitting on this 2 year old footage for that long. I'm not sure why they were waiting to publish it?

Where they hoping (in vain) that something new and more interesting would happen in her career that they could use to add depth to the the video?

I mean, it's not even a documentary. It's an interview. It is seven and a half minutes of Alexandra Grant talking about Antigone and her process in making the paintings. It's essentially the same as the OCMA 'Telepathy is One Step Further than Empathy' video, without the footage of her working on her art, what she says is the same.

What is sad is that I went and watched other documentary videos by them for other artists on their YouTube channel and they are interesting. They are also documentaries. The artists talk about their childhood and the evolution of their art. It's deeply personal and they explain how their art is a reflection of themselves. It's not just about what they are doing right now. It's about their evolution as an artist. About their exploration as an artist and how they grow.

I watched several of them and got caught up in their stories. This element of personal connection to the work and growth is completely lacking in Alexandra Grant's video. Perhaps it is because Antigone doesn't really speak to her or her personal experience as a human being and therefore there is no genuine attachment to the story. This is reflected in her work because they feel cold and passionless to me. There is no growth. It is repetitive and unchanging and unmoving.

There's also no history of her work compared to the other videos. It's all about Antigone and none of her earlier work is presented or talked about. Nothing about her life is exposed. Again, this feels cold and impersonal.

The director and producer, Sophie Chahinian, took 2 years to publish this and, in my opinion, it would have been better left unpublished. This 'documentary' diminishes all her earlier work with it's lack of substance. It's unfortunate.

That being said, checking out the other documentaries is actually worth your time.

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