Thursday, July 9, 2020

Alexandra Grant is a Con Artist, Reason #5

Reason #5 for Alexandra Grant being a con artist: she lied so much she cannot keep her story straight. She contradicted herself in different interviews often. For this post, I am going to discuss the W Magazine interview and a live talk where she discussed the book Shadows but there are other interviews where she contradicted herself over how the book idea came about.

In the article in W Magazine, published on May 6, 2016, Grant used the phrases "Beguiled even the master printers in Göttingen" and "no one at Steidl knew how the images were made" to describes her photos for the book Shadows.

These are the words of someone suffering delusion of grandeur, producing photos that were plagiarized from Bruce Conners works from 1975 and Grants also pretends she has never heard of him.

On March 17, 2019, she was a guest speaker at the Vermont Studio Center for one hour, and she talked about learning InDesign and admitted “I don’t really know the rule of being a photographer, so I allow myself to make the photos pink cause that’s what the emotion of the text and the image suggested.” So that's another inconsistency of her story. Was she a genius in her creation of the photo shadows or someone who used InDesign but also brag about how great it turn out?

After admitting being a bad photographer and using InDesign to manipulate the photos, she is now selling these same photos for $2000 plus.

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