Friday, April 30, 2021

Lie # 2 - Her art is part of the Art Gallery of Ontario

 From the blog "grantLOVE Project - An Investigative Eye on Charity Fraud":

A post from December 29, 2020 called “Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave... When First We Practice To deceive...” Looking at Lie # 2 - Her art is part of the Art Gallery of Ontario

An artist LYING about her art being in a museum collection make her a CON-artist. Alexandra Grant is a con artist, a scammer & a liar.

As the author of the blog points out, this lie appears to be PREMEDITATED. She updated her resume in July 2019 to include this LIE and other lies that were USED in multiple articles promoting her as Keanu Reeves’ successful and philanthropist girlfriend after they are seen holding hand at the LACMA in November 2019. The lie is still everywhere on the internet despite her effort to erase it from her resume. The LIE shows that Grant was using her “relationship” with Reeves for self-promotion. Her LIES were exposed by people on social media, including myself & here is the real reason for the restraining order. She claimed she was being harassed by one person due to the MEDIA romantically linking her to Reeves and she included all the SM accounts exposing her lie as belonging to one person. I have repeatedly said I am not Parker, the person Grant accused of harassing her & running my account. Instagram knows I am not Parker as they have accessed to my location and IP address, so they did not close my account despite Alexandra Grant’s perjurious lies in her bogus RO & court testimony.

Alexandra Grant is the one that linked herself to Reeves with lies that she put on her resume which were repeated in PR articles. People exposing her scam is not harassment. Lies and scammers need to be exposed for the safety of society.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Lie # 1 - grantLOVE Project is a non-profit

 From the blog "grantLOVE Project - An Investigative Eye on Charity Fraud", a post from December 29, 2020 called “Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave... When First We Practice To deceive...”

The author discusses 6 lies by Alexandra Grant in detail. I have also discussed these lies multiple time.

Lie # 1 - grantLOVE Project is a non-profit - stated on her resume

Lie # 2 - Her art is part of the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) permanent collection - stated on her resume

Lie # 3 - How long she served on various Board Memberships - stated on her resume

Lie # 4 - Founder of X Artists' Books - stated on her resume

Lie # 5 - That she helped found the non-profit Woman's Center for Creative Work (WCCW) - quoted in an article

Lie # 6 - That her jewelry is trademarked - stated on her personal website and quoted in an article

For this post, I will just focus on Lie # 1. Even though Alexandra Grant states on her resume that grantLOVE Project is a non-profit, it is NOT. Take that in. It’s a very big lie and Alexandra Grant still doesn’t understand why she is being called a fraud and it doesn’t seem like she will ever take responsibility for her actions. The bogus restraining order shows how much further she is willing to go in her misdeed, shady behavior and her willingness to shut down criticism of her fraud.

The new article in @glasstire about Alexandra Grant's talk on love is so far off from the reality of who she really is. A fraud. A con artist. A scammer. Love cannot exist with fraud.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Marfa Invitational - Artsy Sales Update

 Reposting @movieandartfan

Marfa Invitational - Artsy Sales Update

There are works listed on Artsy for the Marfa Invitational event. All artists at the fair were collaborating with Artsy on the online fair page.

Thought I would do a sales analysis today to see what has sold by Artist -

Nikki Maloof - 15 of 29 sold, 1 on hold
Leyla Faye - 9 of 10 sold, 1 on hold
Alex Becerra - 5 of 10 sold, 1 on hold
Jana Schroder - 4 of 7 pieces sold
Field Kallop - 3 of 7 sold
Jong Oh - 0 of 8 sold
Michael St. John - 0 of 8 sold
Alexandra Grant - 0 of 11 sold (though 1 piece may have been sold to a friend per post on twitter)

Who thinks this *ag is in any way an artist as far as the official art market is concerned? Laughable.

#scamartist #alexandragrant #grantalexandra #Marfainvitational #artsy #ochiprojectsla

Wake up, Reeves

Despite my disappointment with Keanu Reeves for his association with and support of a narcissist and a fraud of the worst kind, I hope the prediction by @gossippsychic about him waking up, seeing the true nature of Alexandra Grant and being free from her toxicity come true.

This is coming from someone who had to deal with more than one narcissist sociopaths. The lesson is about self love, standing in your power, walking away, cutting your loss, starting over and discovering the myriad of strength and joy that await when you declutter from toxicity and manipulation.

Wake up, Reeves and correct the wrong you have done to Parker, Autumn, and your fans.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Alexandra Grant being a fraud

 - @pasadenamag I see that you started following me. If you are curious about what we are talking about, Alexandra Grant being a fraud, her charity being a scam and that she filed a bogus restraining order against an innocent woman blaming her for running multiple SM accounts online because these accounts, including my account were exposing her scams, you should start by reading these two blogs:

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

Reading for Virgo

 Follow the link to listen to a tarot reading for Virgo for the month of May 2021:

An interesting reading with a beautiful message for Virgo regarding freedom from a toxic person and situation. I think this message will come true for the Virgo that is kind of soul and strong of heart. The Universe offers a helping hand, but if the Virgo is a toxic narcissist like the thing that attacked itself to him, there will be no freedom in sight. He will be with her for eternity in life and in death..

Monday, April 26, 2021

Real Artist Inspires

 Reposting a meme from @keanureevesisastalker

Remember, a real artist encourages and inspires.

A narcissist con artist thinks she is the only one special enough to accomplish nothing in her life and still demand admiration for it.

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

The Un-Trademarked Jewelry of Alexandra Grant

 From the blog "grantLOVE Project - An Investigative Eye on Charity Fraud", a post from December 28, 2020 called “Trademarked Jewelry? What Trademarked Jewelry?"

The title explains it all, but the author includes the letter from the United States Patent and Trademark Office and various incidents of Alexandra Grant’s claiming that her jewelry was trademarked. The author of the blog also provides the website from the Patent office for anyone that wants to verify the information themselves.

I screenshot the summary that explains why Alexandra Grant is LYING, again.

born to grift

 Some people are born to grift, ride the coattail of others, be a burden, bring them down but claim to be special and no one can do what she does. 😂

Honesty vs Kindness

Comments in response to the idea of being kind and uplifting instead of being critical of Alexandra Grant's fraud and her years of grifting.

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud #kindness

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Why Alexandra Grant's Lies Matter

 Thank you @pip0874

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

Dear Investigativenews

 Dear Investigativenews - I have made it clear many times that I am not C. Parker. @robinwood_thereturn responded to you in Lipstick Alley so let me reiterate her points: I do NOT focus on Alexandra Grant's looks, personal life, or relationship with Keanu Reeves.

I post about the tabloids and PR articles discussing the relationships of Grant and Reeves and analyze what it means and how it is being used to promote her career. I discuss why she is NOT a feminist. I scrutinize the lies on her resume, in articles, and on her website and provide links for people to review them and reach their own conclusion. Due to all her lies, I do conclude that she is a fraud and a con artist.

I am not Parker. I was not served a restraining order. I have never been anywhere near Alexandra Grant or Keanu Reeves nor do I have an interest in going near them. My actions will NOT get Parker arrested. I have always posted what my conscience dictated in discussing fraud, media deception, and cheap tabloid stories. Parker has no bearing on my post when I opened my Instagram account nor does she have a bearing on why I continue to post now. I am only saddened that she was falsely accused and falsely convicted and I am also angry that my account and the account of my friend were falsely accused and included in her bogus restraining order and I will continue to discuss it because it pertains to me.

I believe in the power of expression to help us comes to term with anger and that it can lead to justice. I believe in the power of truth. I believe in the freedom of expression and the freedom and responsibility to expose fraud.

I am also thankful to whoever is running these blogs:

Article about Marfainvitational

 An article about #Marfainvitational and no mention of you know who. For once, I won't mentioned it either but I am sure there will be plenty of cheap tabloids rehashing how she is one of the artists at #Marfainvitational. Will there be last minute anonymous buying of her garbage art? I hope the "boyfriend" come through.

Just Speaking the Truth

 Me being blocked from the live chat from #Marfainvitational #Marfainvitational2021 was not a technical error after all. 😂

They didn't like my comments. 🌹

A few other people who comment truth about Grant were also blocked and the person who did not comment was not blocked and she gave me a screenshot of how the live chat ended...

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

#Marfainvitational Live Chat

 #Marfainvitational #Marfainvitational2021 was doing a live chat 10 minutes ago where Meghan Gord from #ochigallery was interviewing Alexandra Grant and talking about love. I commented and the video ended abruptly. Did they stop the chat or was I blocked? How sad, Texans are known for being people who do not like to be told what to do and do not like people inhibiting freedom of expression but freedom of expression was just denied at #Marfa. Let's hope it was technical error but somehow, I highly doubt it. 😂

If any of you comment, make sure to take a screenshot.

Friday, April 23, 2021

The Symbolism of Evil

 Let's talk about arts, language, symbolism and meaning. Clearly, it says I'm EVOL as in I AM EVIL. Evil is a thing that hides its ugliness behind love and charity. Evil hides behind the false image of the "nice, humble" boyfriend. Evil likes to pretend. Pretend to be kind, to be compassionate, to be loving, to be a successful and an acclaimed artist. But evil lies on her resume, about her accomplishments, run a charity scam, then put a bogus restraining order on an innocent person to intimidate people from around the world calling her out on her scam. Evil's middle name is Alexandra Grant, the charity scammer.

As @pip0874 points out, Alexandra Grant is dragging her "pop-up" shop around like a circus tent.

Keanu Reeves plays the role of "boyfriend" and circus monkey in this circus of two. This is what happen when two narcissists pretend that they have found love. It cannot be private. The dead aren't allowed to rest. They dug up Jennifer Syme and baby Ava to show that Grant is his "savior." Fake story. Fake news.

A man living a life of debauchery cannot be saved by a fame thirsty gold-digger, thus the branding of the sensitive, spiritual artist that doesn't exist. It's about the "opportunity for good." Let the tabloids talk about the so-called love and use it to sell garbage arts and "love" products. The long-awaited event in Marfa with three people attending her VIP night. What's next? Fake boyfriend will have to buy all her arts anonymously?

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Alexandra Grant - Charity Scammer

@celebritykind - did you know that Alexandra Grant's "charity" is unregistered with the Attorney General office for 12 years now which makes it illegal. The charity is a scam where she doesn't have to be transparent about her "donation" but get the title of philanthropist. By the fact that you turn off your comments, I think you do know and yet you promote a con artist?

Because people from around the world were exposing her scam online, Alexandra Grant files a bogus restraining order on an innocent woman named Parker claiming that she was running all these accounts that expose the fraud. This is the kind of person you are promoting, a criminal and sociopath of the worst kind.

I am one of the person whose account she falsely includes in her bogus RO.

Shame on you.

Attendance or Cheap tabloids?

 Reposting the screenshot of an old post. Let's make some prediction as to whether the "boyfriend" will be attending Marfainvitational or not to support his narcissist "savior" or will it just be cheap tabloids articles?

The Golden Egg

 Reposting an oldie but goodie in honor of Marfainvitational happening this weekend. Thanks for the laugh @catharinamonica1967 - Ready or not #Marfa she's in your town now, and she is ready to lay her golden egg at the #Marfainvitational event. No talent, no integrity but if the gossip media continued to publish articles about this feminism artist who finally bagged a boyfriend at the age of 47, it is the golden ticket. I mean come on, a boyfriend. It's unheard of. How did a 47-year old get a boyfriend? It must be talked about as if she had found a cure for cancer by not dying her hair even though she clearly did.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Artist's Prison by Alexandra Grant - Fake Feminism

Alexandra posted a review of her book on X Artists Books Instagram page. The reviewer describes the book as "this raw feminist and expressionist quality done like the liberating real woman of Egon Schiele". Alexandra Grant also sells herself as a feminist through the PR articles she buys, but she is the opposite of a feminist. Her career exists because of the world-famous MALE actor that she is supposedly shagging and she even flew to Berlin and lived there for six months, puts her "art" on hold just so HE has someone to shag on the weekend according to the tabloids. Not my words. I'm just interpreting what the tabloids were selling. Her book is published because that boyfriend bought her a publishing house and whatever books were sold, it was because he flew around the world with her to sign her book at different events. Even then, as of December 2019, Alexandra Grant didn't even make enough money to pay Eve Wood for the illustration or pretend she didn't. After Parker sent the letter to the lawyer regarding Eve Wood not being paid, mysteriously, thing between Grant and Wood was resolved? I wonder if some famous MAN-child finally made a payment on behalf of his feminist con-artist? Eve Wood started following @robinwood_thereturn collecting evidence for the bogus restraining order against Parker. I wonder why? Did the man-child pay her? These feminists. Cut from the same cloth. Lies and manipulation just like the evidence that Eve Wood provided to the court. The correct word is not feminist, but Sociopath. Not artist but con artist.

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

A Purposeful Deception or Oversight?

 From the blog "grantLOVE Project - An Investigative Eye on Charity Fraud", a post from December 26, 2020 called “What Kind of Trickery is This”

This post was about grantLOVE X OCMA pop-up shop which ended in March 2021. However, this post showed the deception that is the core of Alexandra Grant in using the idea of donation & charity to make herself seemed like someone helping other artists and art-related cause. According to the description on grantLOVE website, the premise of the pop-up shop was that a portion the profit would go toward OCMA into a fund where they could buy works created by women-identified or non-binary artists from California and the Pacific Rim. Both grantLOVE and the OCMA made a post about this on their Instagram account but the major difference is that OCMA mentioned that you need to put OCMA in the note section so a portion of the profit from that particular sale would go to the OCMA. The post made by grantLOVE on Instagram did not mention this VERY important requirement. The author of the blog follows the link of the grantLOVE X OCMA pop-up shop provided by grantLOVE and noticed that the note is a tiny disclaimer on the bottom and you can imagine how many people follow the link wanting to buy something to benefit OCMA but didn’t realize that they have to input OCMA in the note for that to happen.

Was it purposeful on the part of Alexandra Grant or an oversight? Personally, I think it is purposeful. Deception is the core of Alexandra Grant’s inner being. Pretending to be a loving person is all that she can do. PRETEND and NOT be one or is one.

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Pretentious Puke by Alexandra Grant

 This is Alexandra Grant’s new painting for the upcoming Marfainvitational event. I must admit that my perception of Grant as a manipulative lying narcissist incapable of decency, compassion, self-reflection & honesty influence my distaste for her art. It reflects Grant’s life, decay & inner ugliness. Grant’s scribble “I was born to love, not to hate” is in the shape of a tombstone which is not a coincidence.

To me, Alexandra Grant’s art represents death and decay pretending to be love. Pink represents softness & love, but when Grant uses it, it become pretentious puke. Cheap. Inauthentic. Diabolical. Chaos. Her painting has become more chaotic because it is harder to hide her true nature. A fame thirsty & insecure creature in need of praises & she is willing to do what it takes to get it. Buy fake PR articles. Lie about her accoplishments. Use a man's tailcoat. Her sex life. Whatever it takes to be famous. Take advantage of Keanu Reeves' fanatic stalkers & mentally ill fans to do her bidding.

@pip0874 also shared an insightful comment on what Alexandra Grant is “I did a search of some of the other artists invited to Marfa and none of them with the exception of Alexandra Grant have such an intense social media presence or have put such a PR campaign together. Some don’t even mention Marfa, most have out of date or no resumes. The galleries sponsoring them don’t mention the event or the artist they’re sponsoring on their websites. The disparity between how AG presents herself and cultivates a very savvy businesswoman/artist image and how comparable artists package themselves (or in most cases don’t) is really quite shocking. It truly reveals her character - she’s really wants to win and she’s an enormous control freak.”

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud

Monday, April 19, 2021

DBA Filing for grantLOVE

Another informative post from the blog "grantLOVE Project - An Investigative Eye on Charity Fraud", posted on 4/17/2021, entitled “A Fictitious Business Name Filing... 8 Years late?”

The author has done extensive research citing information from the Attorney General's publication & discussing the different for-profit corporate forms in California and the fact that a for-profit business and a charitable business needs to be separate but it appears that Alexandra Grant is trying to run both under one entity. I urge you to read the blog yourself but I want to highlight some points from it.

This filing of the DBA happens a month after Alexandra Grant was called out by Parker during the restraining order trial that her so-called charity is not registered and that she’s putting the charity money in a personal bank account. Alexandra Grant is trying to cover herself as usual after being called out and the author also speculates that this was done to correct the bank account issue, as she cannot open a bank account for grantLOVE until there is a formal registration for the business (DBA). Up to December 2020, all her banking would have been under Alexandra Grant, LLC, which she was probably using for her for-profit business and her charitable fund-raising as grantLOVE. By law, you can’t mix charity money with other money. They have to go into a separate bank account in the charity’s name. The blogger speculates that this is the reason she filed the DBA.

The author of the blog also notes the two varying dates of when she supposedly started using her love symbol in commerce. According to her trademark registration, Alexandra Grant claimed that the first use of the mark in commerce was December 8, 2012 but on the DBA filing in December 2020, she claimed under oath, that Alexandra Grant LLC started doing business as grantLOVE Project in January 2013. It's only a month different but the date is still significant as it is just more evidence of Alexandra Grant not being able to keep her lies straight.

I am including the screenshot of the summary from the blog as it gives you a clear picture of Alexandra Grant's attempt to fix her fraud.

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #conartist #narcissist #keanureeves #xartistsbooks #grantloveproject #cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandragrant #cancelevil #marfainvitational #artreview #arts #artisticintegrity #artist #ochigallery #artcollector #artdealer #artcritic #artfair #contemporaryartists #contemporaryart #artmuseum #marfa #restrainingorder #charityfraud