Friday, April 23, 2021

The Symbolism of Evil

 Let's talk about arts, language, symbolism and meaning. Clearly, it says I'm EVOL as in I AM EVIL. Evil is a thing that hides its ugliness behind love and charity. Evil hides behind the false image of the "nice, humble" boyfriend. Evil likes to pretend. Pretend to be kind, to be compassionate, to be loving, to be a successful and an acclaimed artist. But evil lies on her resume, about her accomplishments, run a charity scam, then put a bogus restraining order on an innocent person to intimidate people from around the world calling her out on her scam. Evil's middle name is Alexandra Grant, the charity scammer.

As @pip0874 points out, Alexandra Grant is dragging her "pop-up" shop around like a circus tent.

Keanu Reeves plays the role of "boyfriend" and circus monkey in this circus of two. This is what happen when two narcissists pretend that they have found love. It cannot be private. The dead aren't allowed to rest. They dug up Jennifer Syme and baby Ava to show that Grant is his "savior." Fake story. Fake news.

A man living a life of debauchery cannot be saved by a fame thirsty gold-digger, thus the branding of the sensitive, spiritual artist that doesn't exist. It's about the "opportunity for good." Let the tabloids talk about the so-called love and use it to sell garbage arts and "love" products. The long-awaited event in Marfa with three people attending her VIP night. What's next? Fake boyfriend will have to buy all her arts anonymously?

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