Sunday, July 26, 2020

Alexandra Grant Needs to Sue the Tabloids

This very valid question was posted already in another account but I am reiterating it in mine. Why haven't Alexandra Grant sued the DailyMail and the Hollywood pipeline for photos that are clearly stalkerish and an invasion of her privacy? The Hollywood Pipeline published that photo of Grant and Reeves near her car and the rest of the photos comes from that article published in the DailyMail, the one that sounds like she paid them to publish by calling her a "silver-haired stunner." And of course, it looks like someone was following her to take those photos of her walking. To me, that's clearly stalking. Unless of course, it was a paid PR article and paparazzi was hired to take those "fake candid shots" which means she is the one invading her own privacy for fame and it has been reported in a blind item that Grant is thirsty and has been calling the paparazzi.

To be clear, I don't condone stalking but I wonder "what the opportunity for good" is for Alexandra Grant with the stalker story?

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