Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why Do People Hate Alexandra Grant?

The other article written by Brianna Morton that was deleted from GossipCop: “Why Do People Hate Alexandra Grant?”

The article asserted it was only a handful of people making things up but according to @blast article, it is just ONE crazy 67-year-old woman with numerous accounts. But the truth is people from around the world are criticizing and highlighting Alexandra Grant's shortcoming in Instagram and Twitter or commenting under those accounts. I personally have interacted with people from Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Serbia, the USA, Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, the Caribbean, Indonesia, the Philippines, and one person from Africa but I don't know which country.

What are the characteristics that make someone hateful? The short answer is a con artist but specifically, arrogant and lack of authenticity. Selling a fake image of someone humble and low-key all the while PR articles and paparazzi photos show a thirty, fame-hungry woman.

What a con artist hates the most is being exposed for her lies. The facade of an accomplished person slips away and nothing is left but a con. Lies beget a liar, a fraud and a con-artist. Alexandra Grant has told many lies. Lying on her resume. Lying about founding the Women's Center for Creative Work. Lying to erase Janey Bergam from being the muse for Ode to Happiness.

A redeeming quality of all decent people is taking responsibility for one's action. Will Alexandra Grant ever accept that her lies and con is the reasons for the existence of these accounts? Or will she continue to play the role of victim?

And you, Keanu Reeves, will you be redeemed? Or are you too far gone?

Scammers always forget about the court of Universal Law where evil acts have already been found guilty. You may have the money to buy articles and fool people on Earth but you cannot fool the Spirit World. The evil eye totem is meant to protect innocent people, not scammers out to con people, then play the role of victim.

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