Sunday, October 24, 2021

Catherine1976 is not Cathryn Parker

The person named Catherina that responded to the blast article has a YouTube channel called Catherine1967 and she also runs a Facebook fan page that posted photos and videos of Keanu Reeves as she has been a fan of his for over 15 years. Like me, her account was falsely included in the restraining order and Alexandra Grant claimed that my account, rosescented1, and Catherina1967 belong to Cathryn Parker.

According to Alexandra Grant, she spent months working with SISS, an investigative firm, reviewing these accounts to verify it was all one person.

Catherine1967 posted a video of where she lives, which is the Netherlands. She was also posting away on YouTube and Facebook while Cathryn Parker was incarcerated which proves without a doubt that she is NOT Parker.

For Alexandra Grant and her investigative team to miss this very important piece mean they are very INCOMPETENT or Alexandra Grant knows but choose to FALSELY include Catherina and other people on her bogus restraining order, including me which mean Alexandra Grant is a lying sociopath, piece of scum that deserves jail time.

IF only you have gone one step further to investigate these accounts but it's not too late to practice some journalistic skills.  Alexandra Grant won the restraining order through lies and manipulated evidence so how do they plan to get me or Catherina to stop posting when we are not Cathryn Parker? They cannot. They could get law enforcement to arrest Parker because she is breaking the restraining order by posting but if they arrest her and I continue to post away on my account, it will prove that Alexandra Grant lies so even though she won the restraining order, she cannot enforce it without showing that she committed perjury in court. That's a conundrum and would make a great article for a real journalist, right?

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