Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Legacy of Alexandra Grant, the person without soul

Looking at this article in LA weekly that named Alexandra Grant as 2019 People. Alexandra Grant, the person who equates wealth with dignity. The person who is clueless about the poverty and housing issue in Berlin. The person who roamed around Berlin Summer 2020 shopping during a pandemic when there was a travel ban. The person who is entitled and careless to the well-being of the public as long as she can be seen and captured for tabloid articles to be touted as a successful artist and philanthropist and the girlfriend of Keanu Reeves. The person who attended an illegal party during the Pandemic. Alexandra Grant, the person who claimed to be a philanthropist every chance she gets but refused to register her "charitable act" with the Attorney General office for accountability until she was forced to do so.

Alexandra Grant is the bully that filed a bogus restraining order defaming her critics as convicted felon when she is the one that should be convicted for her illegal activity and bullying.

Alexandra Grant is an example of what being associated to a celebrity can do for you. Her association to Keanu Reeves, tabloid dubbed humble, kind man, another fake image generated by his PR team to sell his movies and cover his inability to act or emote real emotions.  

Alexandra Grant, using the media to sell bullshit and calls out anyone exposing her lies and fraud as bullies and trolls.

This description from the article stood out to me “The Artist’s Prison, features images by artist Eve Wood, while Grant tells a story set in a future world where creativity is a crime.” --- In real time right now, telling the truth about Alexandra Grant unregistered charity and pointing out her lies is a crime, equated to bullying, which has resulted in a restraining order for one person and other being lumped as one person, being labeled a convicted felon, a bully and a troll, or a hater. This is the legacy of Alexandra Grant, the person without soul or kindness but pretend to be spiritual and loving… She hides her crimes by defaming others.

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