Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Double-Edged Sword

When the tabloids broke the news of Alexandra Grant as Keanu Reeves's girlfriend, it poured like acid rain. Nonstop. Worst than pesticide that aims to kill, not just now, but years from now. The stories seeped into social media at a disturbing rate, ad nauseam. The story was clear. It was meant to portray AG as the star, the savior, and Keanu as a broken, flawed individual that needed to be saved. His savior was nothing less than a Greek goddess, a muse and creator of arts. Her beauty comes from being comfortable in her own skin, from allowing her gray hair to be untouched by chemical but those who followed the story from the start knows about the paparazzi being called and stories was paid to be published in the tabloids.

The tabloids wrote story with a double-edged sword, part of a sinister, long-term plan. It praises AG while highlighting Keanu's flaw. When the charade runs its course and the love story comes to an end, if Keanu's PR team denies it which I highly doubt, or it ends because we see pictures of K kissing another woman, the story will shift to a story that paints K as someone that can't be saved and AG will continue to thrive as the woman who could have and would have saved him but he didn't let her. Her business and jewelry lines will grow from this fabricated love story, from using the darkest, most painful event of his life to be seen as a heroine, full of love and she is selling love jewelry, love items of all kind.

A double-edged sword will cut no matter which way you turn. We see it. We know it. We need to unravel it. If you are truly a fan of Keanu, he has never needed you more than now. We are fighting a parasite that does not just take, but obliterate. It has a team and supporter like Mike Weiss, that wants to benefit from her connection to K. For this part, please do your own research and google Mike Weiss and Meghann Snow. AG arts are displayed at his gallery, the Lowell Ryan Projects.

Join us in prayers. Join us in unraveling the web of deceptions created to hurt Keanu and provide riches to the people doing it. Stand up. Speak out. Keanu needs you.

#alexandragrant #grantalexandra #keanureeves #keanureevesfans #keanu

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