Saturday, November 16, 2019

Secret Wedding Busted by Gossip Cop

OK! has contradicted themselves plenty of time with their insider celeb story, romance, wedding, and who's having a baby or adopting one, who's getting back together for the hundredth time but Ms. Grant has made the story too easy... the RING. Oh, that ring of her. Gaudy. Huge. In your face. We noticed it in many photos from years ago, eons actually. Fake. Cheap. Just like this love story. A story that has its roots in the Daily Mail, a magazine known to publish whatever you want for a price. A few years ago, actually. First, they published a story of a “mysterious woman” seen dining with Keanu. Days later, they acted like through some investigative research, they discovered the “mysterious woman” is an LA-based artist, not just an artist but a “silver fox”. Why does it sound like a strategy, a mystery that now has a name, a face, a job, an adjective that conveys beauty? It was almost as if someone paid for the story to be told, slowly in increment. The Daily Mail is also the one that broke the story of Keanu Reeves' “girlfriend” after the LACMA event, and the five or was it 10 things you should know about her, words for words of the write-up Ms. Grant and her PR use on her website and for press release as if they were the one to send it to the Daily Mail (and may have even paid for the publication???), then a snowball of other tabloids start picking it up so they don't get left behind.... Ughh! And so it rolls and rolls, like a dirty little pig in the mud. The horror for #keanureeves fans is when the tabloids discuss the tragedy of his life as if it can be healed by something smug, cheap and soulless. The loss of a child is not a media game. You don't use it to make yourself look like a savior. You don't use it at all, but it was used. Repeatedly. What kind of a person would use the worst thing that could happen to someone to make herself look good?

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