Saturday, November 30, 2019

Love and Compassion

Some people are trying to paint our beloved Keanu as morally depraved because of his association with Alexandra Grant, whom we have discovered to be a self-serving narcissist, manipulative, and riding the cusp of insanity, using a tombstone of a baby to make money, selling stories to the paparazzi, the tabloids and fans have also discovered and analyzed her using TABOOLA to buy advertising space for the LACMA and other events but for this post, I want to focus on Keanu. I know he will not be reading this but the intention of the energy sent will be honored by the Universe. I want to remind all of us to hold him in a space of love and compassion because he needs it from all the attacks orchestrated by Alexandra and her team.

I am sharing two quotes regarding the people and the energy we attracted and why we attracted sociopath and it is not because he shared their energy or moral values. It's because he has high moral and integrity. They come running to him to siphon his energy and light. Dearest K, do not think something is wrong with you for attracting the likes of them. Do not be hard on yourself for not seeing them for who they are. When you carry that much light and love, people of the dark come to you and we let them into our lives because we want to help them and sometimes, it works. Our light trigger their inner light and make them a better human being. But some people are beyond help and they only take and consume like a locust. I'm speaking from experience. I had my share of sociopaths in my life and one was my closest friend and now I can see them and their motives a mile away. It's my superpower like spider-man who was bitten by a spider... lol

We hope that you have finally seen it too and have chosen to focus on yourself. We can only hope that the lack of paparazzi photos for the last two weeks is the end of it. Rest. Train. Enjoy time with your family and friends, work therapy and go ahead, find a sexy lady to kiss and do whatever else you both agree on... wink … And if a bunch of photos shows up online, maybe AG team will stop spreading the rumor of your marriage.
#keanureeves #alexandragrant #grantalexandra #marfainvitational

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