Thursday, May 28, 2020

Alexandra Grant and Diversity

Alexandra Grant’s friend made a post about her zoom event and mentioned that the topic included “the importance of supporting diversity in business and the arts.” Someone went through Grant’s IG and made a collage of the people she has worked with, the first two collages are of diverse white people and the third is of diverse people of color. She puts Keanu as POC since he has Chinese and Hawaiian roots.


Comment from

I saw Guppy post this and it triggered me to do something. So I made a collage of all the people of color she has worked with vs the white people she has worked with. This only includes projects that were under her control. Not collaborations organized by someone else with other people that she did not choose. These are made up of all the people that she instead hand picked herself for projects that she came up with. Grant has a lot of friends that are poc but doesn't work with poc as much directly. This to me is how she gets away with it she takes photos with all of her poc friends just to look like she has a diverse background but she doesn't work with a diverse group. Its sad but I included Moniek anyway because I also only chose people she has taken photos with. This also excludes projects she was asked to do in other countries that are filled with poc because that isn't fair. She did work in Mexico so obviously there would be a lot of Mexican artists there to collaborate with.To me that doesn't count. So I chose projects that only showed in America where she had plenty of chances to choose from the diverse people here where her own company or project is.

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