Monday, October 5, 2020

what she's capable of...

In the last analysis of Alexandra Grant's restraining order, the user in Lipstick Alley asked “Since Grant was in Germany when she filed for the TRO/RO, she could not have been in fear of physical stalking -- so what was being posted on SM a week to 10 days prior to the filing that caused Grant to have such fear?”

July 4th, the paparazzi somehow found out where Reeves and Grant was having dinner at a private residence. Users in Lipstick and myself questioned how the paparazzi knows the address of a private residence and concluded it was Alexandra Grant that gave out this info. CDAN has also posted about paparazzi spilling the beans that someone close to Grant was calling the pap.

The photos from July 4th also clearly showed the number and street name of this private residence. Someone living in Berlin went to the location and know exactly whose house it was. Grant exposed someone's private residence due to her fame thirsting. It was posted in Lipstick Alley and Instagram to show her inconsiderate nature.

There were also tweets in Twitter questioning why Grant was able to be in Germany with Reeves when people had to cancel their wedding and some had not seen their love ones in month. The question of money and corruption was discussed.

Grant filed the restraining which seems rushed in the way it was put together as the analysis has shown.

Was the restraining order a deflection tactic to cover up the fact that Grant exposes a private home address? Did she use it to play the role of victim and name accounts exposing her true character at the same time? Two, three or ten birds with one stone? She's a victim. She couldn't have called a pap and given out someone's PRIVATE address and could this also explain why she was in Germany when other people are separate from their loves one? She was being stalked so of course she wouldn't be calling the pap and exposing her own location. Think again! What she is and what she's capable of...

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