Friday, November 13, 2020

Statement against Keanu Reeves

People want to know if my criticism of Alexandra Grant is personal. It is personal but the criticism is founded on facts and research, not baseless allegations or lies. I strongly believe that Alexandra Grant is a sociopath. I was born in a country where the leader was a sociopath & we suffers greatly under his regime. We are left with scars that our souls haven't even begun to heal. Thirty years of trying to put myself, my soul, and all the pieces that were traumatized back together and I am far from being whole. Alexandra Grant has the same energy as the ruler of my country. She has the same energy as Hitler. Her craving for fame and admiration is dangerous. Everything she creates carries the energy of deception, devoid of love, and decency. My effort to expose her scheme is personal. I know what a sociopath is capable of if they were given an opportunity to influence people on a large scale. Alexandra Grant is using the tabloids and her connection to Keanu Reeves to create a false image in order to sell “love” merchandise and “arts” on a global scale. Nothing good is created from manipulation and everything created by Alexandra Grant is imprinted with corruption pretending to be love.

The restraining order proves that Alexandra Grant isn't capable of love or growth as a human being who takes responsibility for her mistakes. She doesn't have what it takes to accept that criticism due to her own deception is valid so she puts a restraining order on a 67-years-old woman with failing health and mental illness. Alexandra Grant is traumatizing Cathryn Parker the way my people were traumatized by a sociopath regime.

Keanu Reeves stood by Alexandra Grant and supported the retraining order. Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant are corrupt. I am fighting against Keanu Reeves & what his millions of dollars can buy. I am still here not because I am being manipulated or controlled. If I didn't have my own moral compass, I would have folded a long time ago. I am speaking up against a Sociopath who is selling herself as spiritual and her enabler, Keanu Reeves because it is the right thing to do.

#cancelkeanureeves #cancelalexandra #cancelevil #keanureeves #alexandragrant      

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