Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Courage to be Disliked - Wrongly Presented by Alexandra Grant

 This was posted by a member of Lipstick Alley in a thread called "Is Keanu Reeves' "Girlfriend" Alexandra Grant a Con Artist", an assessment of Alexandra Grant post about the book "The Courage to be Disliked".

Con-artist Alexandra Grant is twisting the story to make herself look like a victim again. As always.

Her PR friend Ginna posted about this book a while back, as she is in the business of fancy marketing around topics like empowerment, find your purpose, determine your own path and find happiness, find fullfillment.

However, the con-artist is completely missing the point of this book. As a narcissist, she can't relate to the subject as it requires an assessment of the deep inner self and one's consciousness, and it is about how people determine themselves how happy they can be, hence free will is the key, and not what other's think. Stop seeking validation.

Looking inside cricitically on one's own behavior is not possible for a narcissist, as their low self-esteem won't be able to face the reality, they can't handle it. Hence, she is misusing the title and by mentioning 'victim-blaming' as summary of this book, she is again playing the victim-card. Read the reviews on Amazon and compare it to her description. You will wonder whether it is about the same book.

Pretending to be the victim is the basic fundamental behavior in the narcissist toolbox. It is a way for them to seek attention and supply from people, so they feel validated. It is a pattern which she has demonstrated many times.

This is also the underlying reason for that so-called charity project. It is never about 'doing good'. It is just a way to collect praise and flattering. That grantloveproject is not about helping anybody but herself. If you really care about helping, you would have no problems being transparant with the exact financial figures and just registering it with the IRS so it is clear what your intentions are.

Besides earning money for herself to expand her brand as a commercial enterprise, that 'charity' is just another tool for her to collect validation. Every naive person who comments "You are such a good person, you are an inspiration, you are great"....this is the what it is all about. Attention and validation from others. Therefore it is hypocritical to promote this book which is about not seeking validation from others, which the narcissist is constantly doing.

Defining themselves as a victim is the beginning move of the of the con job the narcissist presents to everybody in all of their relationships. Narcissists rarely change their toxic game. They are probably unable to do so.....They learn to develop better and more sophisticated ways to hide and conceal both their activities and their true selves.

“Because narcissists lack authentic self-esteem, they often resort to self-pity as a substitute. Feeling sorry for yourself because you’re a victim makes you the mistreated and misunderstood hero in a story that’s all about you.”

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