Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 A comment by a former fan of Keanu Reeves calling him out on his participation in the shit show promoting a charity fraud, fake feminist and fake philanthropist Alexandra Grant posted in Lipstick Alley.


I repeat, each and every time they’re seen outside... let it be a paparazzi walk at posh celebrity restaurants... the ‘humble’ lunch at the sidewalk cafe... or the ‘random’ fan encounter on the street... picking up groceries or chewing gum... buying ice cream... God, this is sooo pathetic... !

It is all on purpose and all plain PR to promote AG again... they are both in FULL PR MODUS.

As soon as the restaurants have opened, we have seen how Keanu and AG ran there to get their new paparazzi photos...
And what surprise... their preordered and prearranged tabloid stories got immediately published with the new paparazzi material.

No coincidence - all fully on purpose...


The words ‘GOING VIRAL’ made them, their PR teams and their PR plants shit their pants and they are all in FULL BLOWN DAMAGE CONTROL MODUS!

Keanu and AG are pushing each and every tiny ‘opportunity for good’ to promote themselves and especially AG... just look at those preordered, cheap PR articles...

And because they’ve been caught and called out for their obvious paparazzi walks and famewhoring, they’re now pretending that this is all just the random, innocent ‘couple running errands’ narrative... but no one is buying that any more and never will!

When Keanu doesn’t want to be seen, he IS NOT SEEN...

When he meets with his escorts, hookers and strippers, he is NEVER SEEN... never. (... but the stories come out... )

How come then that this wannabe fake ‘low key fake couple’ are seen now on a daily basis with allegedly daily stuff?!

They are BECAUSE KEANU WANTS THEM TO BE SEEN TOGETHER... plainly following their PR show script...

That was already the case in the comic book store and the PR photos using the security camera...
Those were staged to open the door to the ‘new set’ of professional Paparazzi photos... pre-heating’ the audience...

Remember ladies:

The more we say that this is a fake, self promoting PR relationship only aiming to create hype and stay relevant in the tabloids... the more they are forced to go out and are forced to be seen doing daily stuff together... they are desperate and forced!

They are trying to shut us up and drown our voices calling them out by pushing the fake couple narrative harder and harder and being seen now ‘on a daily basis’... doing fake couple things...

Please don’t buy their pathetic shitshow.

It is undeniably proven by now that they’re faking a PR relationship for money, fame and relevance in the media!

The more they push now, the louder we will be. Their censoring will blow in their faces once their dealings go viral...

They are shit scared of an escalatory momentum that, once it starts, can’t be controlled by no matter what damage control...

Every time (!) Grant is seen or even just mentioned with Keanu now, it is indisputably a staged and prepared PR setup....
And all of them daily, oh so unsuspicious situations of course...

Keep that in mind, no matter how much more they’ll push it (and they will because they have to...)... don’t believe the hype.

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