Saturday, February 29, 2020

Keanu's Books

There's some confusion about Keanu Reeves' books and the publishing company xartistsbooks.

Keanu's two book Ode to Happiness and Shadows were published by Steidl, a German-language publisher, an international publisher of photobooks, and a printing company, based in Göttingen, Germany that was started in 1968 by Gerhard Steidl and is still run by him.

Ode to Happiness and Shadows are written by Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant provided the arts and photos so this is considered a collaborative work and she will always milked this fact in any interview.

Xartistsbooks is the publishing company they founded and her book the Artist's Prison is published through this company and the arts for it provided by Eve Woods. I call it a vanity press for this reason. It was created to publish her own book and her “friends” books since they do not accept submission.

As for the price of Ode to Happiness and Shadows, it has nothing to do with Keanu Reeves setting it. The books are out of print so other people who own the books are selling them on Amazon for that ridiculous price. Out of print has made it a collectible item, especially last year since he became so popular.

As for him still being with Xartistsbooks or not, there has to be an official statement from him before I believe it. Since Xartistsbooks is still publishing new book and attending book fair event, it's safe to say, it's still running and more than likely Keanu is still part of it, providing money for the printing and money spent to attend the book fair.

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