Tuesday, March 31, 2020

a simple act of defiant

A beautiful article written about Bruce Conner, showing a man who was a quirky genius.


The story that stands out as I read the article and on other websites was that before moving to Mexico, he painted the word LOVE on the street over the word slow. The word was fading and the city refused to repaint so he painted the word love over it. The story is endearing and beautiful. A simple act of defiant but it is also meant to show us what is important, LOVE.

Then the opposite of Bruce Conner is Alexandra Grant, the person who has tried to copy his work in so many ways, starting with his shadow photos to his inkblot drawing. And of course, Love is an important part of her business scheme, trademarking it, selling it on different merchandises by using a fake love story with another iconic man, Keanu Reeves.

Alexandra Grant is not only the opposite of what Bruce Conner is as an artist, but she also stands for greed and deception, using love for profit. In this time of pandemic, she printed the word love on a piece of paper and sell it for $150 and since it is not selling, she now tried to get back what she spent by selling it for the Covid-19 cause. For anyone who buys a piece of paper with the word love on it from Alexandra Grant, $93 goes to ProjectAngelfood and the rest goes back to pay the “printing cost”. She comes out even and it’s supposed to make her look like she’s an artist who cares about other people. Most of us see it for what it is, a scheme to make back the money she has spent on printing it. It is also questionable that a piece of paper with the word love on it would cause $57 to print? But when it comes to Alexandra Grant and her money making scheme, nothing is surprising anymore. No lie is too big for this woman.

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