Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Review of Alexandra Grant's Arts

Alexandra Grant paints horizontal, vertical, & diagonal lines, straight and perfect so she’s good with rulers and stencil tools. Her 2015 painting looks like it was attacked by a brush that wiggled in different directions. In later years, she fills the whole canvas with colors between the stencil lines and includes the quote from Sophocles’ Antigone “I was born to love, not hate” with the help of her sister, Florence Grant. These added words are meant to make the “artist” seems deep and well-verse in culture and literature, but Grant does not understand Antigone. She uses the phrase to pretend to spread love but in reality, she profits by selling it on stickers, clothing, jewelry, and other products.

When Antigone states "I was born to love, not to hate,” she is saying she was born to be NOBLE and nothing is nobler than to sacrifice oneself in the name of love. Love for her brother and giving him a proper burial by defying her uncle, King Creon.

There is nothing noble about Alexandra Grant or her get-rich scheme using the cheapest thing possible, love and the title of the girlfriend of Keanu Reeves through gossip media and hiring the paparazzi to follow her to San Francisco to get the money photos.

Antigone is also a story of civil disobedience, defiance against the patriarchal rule for familial love and following a higher calling of what is right.

Grant paints lines and mirror-image phrase from Antigone in different colors year after year. She has two paintings with the same name and one painting with two names because her art is a form of mass-production. It's so unoriginal that she can't distinguish them herself. Her paintings have no soul, artistic vision, or purpose and are created to monetize the words of Sophocles. 

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