Saturday, May 2, 2020

A Shady Publishing House

This was created by @ mjhiblenart as a tribute to John Wick but Cath re-uses it as a symbol of X artists Books and it is very fitting. This very shady vanity press where someone is claiming that artists have NOT been paid for their work. These comments are posted under various posts. I have no way to confirm this info. But I can say for a fact that the founders information has been presented with contradiction in various articles in the LA Times, the New York Times and other media outlet so it is SHADY. And if we were to believed the narcissistic diarrhea that came out of Alexandra Grant's mouth that it was created so she can publish her book and retain movie right, this becomes even shadier. And if we were to believe her friend Jennifer Tilly's story that Reeves and Grant have been dating for a few years, then this company was created as a favor to a GF because let's face it, it's not so she can retain movie rights, it's because no reputable publishing company would publish her book "The Artist's Prison." 

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