Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Erasing Other Women

A congratulation post from @ lapis_press to the X artists books on July 14, 2017. Four names are mentioned, Alexandra Grant, Jessica Fleischmann, Florence Grant and Keanu Reeves as the people who teamed up to create Xabs. At the moment, no name are written in X artists books website as rumor has it that Grant is the only partner left running the publishing house into the ground. The four names were mentioned as foundesr of Xabs in various articles and in this post, but Grant uses only the name of the MAN out of this group for promotion and has attempted to erase Jessica Fleischmann as co-founder. 

This action is very telling of Alexandra Grant’s character. How a man is more important than the other women who helped to create Xabs and one of them is her own sister, Florence Grant. 

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