Friday, May 8, 2020

#femaleempowerment ??? -- Seriously

Alexandra Grant's friend has a company selling natural beauty products... Alexandra Grant who is only 47-year-old but was mistaken for a 70-year-old woman. They seriously think this is the right face to promote their products using an old PR photo?

#femaleempowerment ??? -- Seriously. The woman who hasn't been able to do anything without attaching Keanu Reeves's name to it. A woman whose biggest accomplishment is bagging a "boyfriend" at the age of 47 (and this boyfriend may be nothing more than an imaginary PR scam for Marfinvitational and her love cage business). There is no empowerment anywhere near Grant but plenty of lies on her resume and different websites. Little girls should NOT be looking up to her, except as an example of what not to be.

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