Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Review of Ode to Happiness

A hilarious review of Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves' collaborative book "Ode to Happiness." 


It's quite sad that she continued to brag about it. One poem. One line goes with an ugly drawing that most people couldn't tell what it represented.

I understand why Steidle made it as a limited edition. He knew it was crap and that pamphlet masquerading as an art book shouldn't be out there but it's Keanu Reeves so he didn't want to say no to him.

Most people showed up and paid to meet Keanu Reeves and get his signature.

@robinwood_thereturn - Let's collaborate on a book. I write. You draw. In one hour, I know our book will be superior to that frog/cow/bathtub hot bath of sorrow thing.

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