Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sharing Credits

After made multiple comments calling Alexandra Grant out on not giving credits to the various women who helped her get to where she is, Grant made a post thanking Yazmine on her grantloveproject IG account. If she keeps following our accounts and comments about her, she may learn to be a decent human being just yet. At 47-years old, it should have been ingrained but for a narcissist, being grateful and sharing credit does not come naturally and is in need of constant reminders on how to be a decent human being.

Let's not forget Jessica Fleischmann, the title of co-founder should always be hers and not taken away in whatever new article about X Artists Books. And if Eve Woods hasn't been paid for her work, you should look into that too. A good start with thanking Yazmine but there are other women that also need to be acknowledged. 

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