Saturday, May 9, 2020

The GF narrative is a long con

As some of us suspected, the media manipulation would continue despite Cheryl Maisel's statement against @okmagazine. The GF narrative is a long con that benefits many parties involved, not just Alexandra Grant so it cannot be done until Marfainvititional is DONE, burnt to a crisp.

By pointing out the inconsistency, Alexandra Grant's lack of talent and LIES, Grant and her PR team kept changing the romance narrative. As told to @pagesix by Jennifer Tilly who benefited from being interviewed, Grant and Reeves have been dating for a few years now. And I repeatedly pointed out if this is TRUE, then X artists Books was opened in exchange for sexual favor so Grant can get her crappy book the Artist's Prison published.

Last week, the article in @closerweekly claims that they have been dating for six months. I included some photos from the last six months. Just look at the joy they inspire in each other, someone should give them the number to the suicide hotline.

A couple of years or is it six months? Lies are lies and it benefits Alexandra Grant's "love" business. For a con artist and talentless twit, gossip media is the only way to stay relevant. We know it. She knows it.

The logic is if they are really dating, it shouldn't matter if a gossip magazine claims that they are planning to get married. The only reason to make a statement against OK Magazine is that Reeves wants to distance himself from her because Grant is a fraud. There are comments under various IG accounts by someone claiming that she has not paid the artist who illustrated her book. And we have also discovered many other fraudulent activities, missing charity money, lies on her resume, lies about her art being at a museum, lies about her art being bought in an auction at Piasa, lies in interviews, lies about helping to found the WCCW when she did not. Of course, Reeves would want to distance himself from a fraud like Grant, but the statement might need to be stronger and clearer.

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