Wednesday, September 30, 2020

In the Presence of his Narc-Savior

Looking not your best, coherent or sober when hanging out too long with a Narc-savior.

Insulter is Evol

A comment in response to Alexandra Grant's 2018 talk putting down artists who take photos with their iPhone. An insightful comment on what real artists do with what material they have.

Yes, let's not forget, Alexandra Grant submitted old photos taken with a phone in a recent exhibition, one of which is a picture of dog poo. Who is she insulting really? Born to love or born to insult and brag? Born to be a Narc, constantly bragging and putting other down.

Book Review

Alexandra Grant posted a review of a book that took the story of Antigone and remade it to a current time and situation. Some of you made comment under my other post that her review is completely off. If you read the book, please share your interpretation. I don't trust Alexandra Grant's interpretation and butchering of literature and other people work.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Narc and taking credit

A satire about Alexandra Grant's taking credit for Keanu Reeves being number 10 in the list of most admired people by Antifragile posted in Lipstick Alley.

Monday, September 28, 2020

prediction from the blog of @gossippsychic

 Alexandra Grant wants to pretend it's only one 67-year-old woman who dislikes her running multiple accounts. Are the people following these accounts and commenting on it also the 67-year-old woman?

Oh dearie, it's people from all walk of life, belief and political parties from around the globe that can smell, see, and receive prophetic dreams of a con artist's scam a mile away and we come together to burn candle, sage and Palo Santo to clear it away. Let's not forget the tarot readers calling her a gold digger in a "relationship" that is an "opportunity for good" creating the ultimate karmic debt. Pay it off. Pay it well.

This is another delicious prediction from the blog of @gossippsychic - the place that leads the first prayer circle for Keanu Reeves against a dark gold-digging witch.

being a performative activist

 A satire about Alexandra Grant on how to nail being a performative activist by Antifragile posted in Lipstick Alley.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

What don't you participate in?

“Hum, you know, I don't, I don't really, ah, participate in that.” – Keanu Reeves

What don't you participate in? Transparency? Decency? Honesty?

By not participating, you allow a Narc to create the narrative. A narrative that paints itself as a kind-hearted genius but her true nature is that of a scheming soulless thing that lies and plagiarizes, stealing other women's thunder, erasing them, and re-writing the story with every new article and interview to make herself look good.

The story that emerges because of the savior-romance story now called into question the creation and existence of X Artists Books. She cannot have it both way, a strong, independent feminist and a cinderella love story. The fake love story has turned her into a woman who needs a "boyfriend" to get her book published. She can't keep her story straight, even claiming that she came up with the idea of Xabs in order to solve the issue of movie rights. This forever changing story is not believable. Her friend Jennifer Tilly couldn't even keep the story straight with her claim that she thought Grant was a lesbian because she was so cool.

This amount of lying, scheming and manipulation is an act of evil.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke (in a letter addressed to Thomas Mercer).

Saturday, September 26, 2020


 A satire about Alexandra Grant's and her upcoming event at the LIVING ROOM LOCAL by Antifragile posted in Lipstick Alley.

Friday, September 25, 2020

RO Filing: SISS - Part 2

 Another informative post by a user on Lipstick alley about the "expert" investigation that Alexandra Grant hired for her restraining order. It was a long post so I divide it in two posts for Instagram but for my blog, I am putting them all in one post.