Saturday, September 19, 2020

X Artists Books and Movie Rights

Another piece from Alexandra Grant's 2018 talk that highlights her narcissism: She is discussing her book "The Artist's Prison" and the opening of X Artists Books.

"Asked her to collaborate with me in interpreting the books in a way I never could of imagined. So she… we put this package together and we got a book deal, and then the issue of the film and tv rights came up. So, I, of course, to solve an issue around that said “Oh. I’ll just start a publishing house.” So came up with the name X Artists’ Books. I went to Keanu and I said “look I’m going to do this thing X Artists’ Books”. I liked X, because Keanu and I had done a book called “Ode to Happiness” where the last page had an X and I thought, that had sort of become our signature when we did artists’ books together. And so much of my confidence of learning what’s possible in terms of publishing came from working with Gerhard Steidl and doing the artist books that Keanu and I published. So… had this idea of X Artists’ books and the next thing I knew Jessica Fleishman, who was designing the artist prison, said “I have a secret book called High Winds”. High Winds is a secret collaboration..." 

How realistic is this story? Just that phrase in particular: "So, I, of course, to solve an issue around that said “Oh. I’ll just start a publishing house."

Special thanks to the person who extracts the video and the person who transcribes it.

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