Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Message to Surviving Narcissism

 A message for those who have lived through, survived or are finally waking up to the realization that someone you trusted is a Narcissist (family members, friends, business partners, co-workers, or significant other). I am speaking from experience.



Be Ruthless. Cut TIES like a Mother Fucker.

Don’t look back. You owe her NOTHING!

Some favorite roles of a Narc are the role of victim, your best friend and savior. She was there for you in your time of need. She understands you like no other. She encourages you to be your best self, to live on the edge and be adventurous. You felt alive. You felt understood. You felt LOVED.

It was a GAME. None of those things she did was out of the goodness of her heart or was intended to make you feel loved. She did it to control you. A gift of ill-intent, where pay back is your loyalty and SOUL.

You have given her more than she can ever give in her lifetime.

Be grateful that you have woken up and do whatever it takes to free yourself. You may not realize it, but while she was your best friend, she has also planted doubts in the mind of other people in preparation of you waking up or when she was done with you. She has planned it out for months or years, maybe with a story of how dating you were so difficult because you are an alcoholic or an emotionally unavailable person or a cheating bastard or a story of how she was there for you, but you are ungrateful and only know how to take. Those stories, real or fake have already been told.

If you’re worry that breaking free means she will ruin your image or reputation, expect it. Accept it. You got played but be grateful that you see it now. You focus on the people who didn’t believe her lies and stood by you despite what they heard. This is the time when you will know who your real friends are.

I am grateful every day for those smart enough not to believe what they heard about me. I let go with forgiveness those who were easily convinced, and I laugh at those who cross the street when they see me. My circle of friends didn’t get smaller; they became more meaningful and for that, I am grateful every day!

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