Monday, December 16, 2019

Self-Serving Awards

Alexandra Grant hosted an award event on 12/14/2019 and I have many questions. Who is she to give out award? Why would her recognition mean anything to anybody? The tabloids sell her as a philanthropist, artist of distinction, RUMORED girlfriend of KR and the one who mended his heart, but come on, it’s the fucking tabloids. We know not to believe it. Now that we got it straight, next point.

One of the recipients is Fulcrum Art’s Emerge program. Is it possible that she gives the recognition because Fulcrum took over Love House and she wants to mention that the project is still happening, and SHE is the one to initiate it? For the sake of the residents, I am glad that it will happen, but the plan was created in 2009 and we are in 2019. I think a sloth could have finished it in 5 years. Quick somebody find a sloth and get him to help.
Award should be given when the project is COMPLETE, not when donations are being solicited. On Trinidad Ruiz’s website, the completion date is 2018 and we are two weeks away from 2020.

When completed, the front gate will have her love logo. Self-serving. Self-promotion. Narcissistic. I’m sorry A, love can be represented by what is universally recognized, a heart. Love can be seen with colors. Love can be felt when the intention is genuine. Your loopy cursive logo gives me the heebie jeebies. Maybe, it’s just me but I get the vibe of something unsettling and evil, especially after seeing how you tattooed it backward on your arm, EVOL. Evil.

Since the house is in Watts, honoring one of the many artists that contributed to the Watts Towers would be more fitting, IMHO.

Everything about AG is inauthentic. She posted a photo of Ms. Johnson, the owner of the house in her IG, raving about a 10-year friendship and another one regarding a tender moment with her granddaughter, and wait for it, the real reason for the post comes out as it was really meant to advertise that chocolate company she works with.

Oh lady, you are a joke and we know all your punchlines. It’s always to promote the self, to serve the self of one called Alexandra Grant.

I haven’t read that LA Weekly article yet but believe me, I will have a lot to say. Stay tuned.

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