Monday, December 23, 2019

The Faux Pas of Ed Solomon

Photos taken from @robinwood_thereturn “Best Quotes 2019” - brilliant satire as usual. I opened a twitter account and this IG account to respond to the tweet that Ed Solomon posted on 11/5/2019, which he since deleted, possibly around 12/8/2019.

I'm going to recreate that tweet from memory, and I ask all who saw it, to correct me if I am wrong or add to it if you remember more, but I think it goes something like this:

I don't know why people are flummoxed that Keanu Reeves is in a a long-term relationship with a wonderful woman. I have never met Alexandra Grant but I know people who know her and by all accounts, she is a wonderful woman.

If you haven't read my response to the tweet yet, here it is: 

Since his tweet was about hearing all these wonderful things about AG from someone he knows who knows her. I listed all the things I heard about her from people I know who know someone who knows her too and unlike what he heard, it was not flattering.

In all fairness, he has not blocked me on twitter even though I continued to tweet most of my posts to him under that tweet. But then again, maybe he cannot be annoyed with me since he has never bothered to read my tweets. Oh well... I responded whether it was read or not... lol

I also tweeted Robinwood's post to him and I commented on his post of Keanu's head. SMH and rolling my eyes at the presumptuousness of that man.

I was contacted and told how to do a cache search to find Ed Solomon's tweet. Even though it was deleted, google saved it and if you search base on the words he uses, it comes up. My re-creation was off but I got the gist of the meaning behind his post. I screenshot, cut and paste the actual tweet along with the comments I found interesting and pasted into the allowed space. Ah, Ed, you cannot delete away the evidence of your faux pas after all.

To be clear, I am not trying to be mean to Ed. He's only human. He made mistakes and of course, he would try to promote BT3 in any ways he can, that's the nature of the entertainment business. I only post this as a way to discuss and question if he was asked to delete it or did he find out there was no relationship at all or found out that she isn't as wonderful as he had heard?

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