Friday, December 27, 2019

The Christmas Dinner

A strange Christmas dinner where the participant is "putting the fun in dysfunctional" and one particular guest seems lost in a land of shadow (I'm referring to you, K). Your long face stands out at this festive event where everyone was playing the role of clown. Again, why the long face? I think you nose might have also gotten longer. Were you MIA for that month because you were trying to shape your nose back to its regular size?

There is no doubt, a PR game has been played since June 2019, but what role are you playing? A guy being held hostage and forced to attend fashion shows, museums, dinners and other social events or are you playing the role of the grateful, demure guy who have been saved from a life of misery, saved from the 20 years of depression that had lingered due to the loss of your child? If you have been saved and your heart has been mended, please smile. These confusing roles you played makes your fans think they are being gaslighted.

Keanu, the private guy whose friends and family have always respected his privacy and do not post pictures of family gathering seems to have disappear this year. Ok, there are a few piranha that does post pictures of your home and pool in order to boost their status, but for the most part, we have not been privy to family gathering until the Christmas dinner where videos were shared on two different accounts, cousin Nanea and China Chow who may or may not be an ex-girlfriend or a former FWB.

A strange occurrence indeed. A twilight kind of world. Let me ask again, are you participating in a PR game that goes against your own inner integrity or are you fully participating? If you are a participant of the PR game, please do a better job of looking like a guy who have been saved and have finally found the love of his life. Nice matching sweaters, but do sit closer next time. The distance between you and Ms. Grant makes it seems like you have a bag of dead body between you. I'm just saying… That's what it looks like.

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